Bunyasaranand, J.C., Foeger, N.C., Ryan, P.M.. Reminder of important clinical lesson: Traumatic elbow arthrotomy after motorcycle accident not evident on CT. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2017). published online 27 September 2017, doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-221094 PMID 28954748
Wojahn, R.D., Foeger, N.C., Gelberman, R.H., Calfee, R.P. Long-Term outcomes following a single corticosteroid injection for trigger finger. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 96: 1849-1854 (2014). PMID 25410501
**See Commentary: Vitale, M.A., Doc, will this injection make my trigger finger go away? commentary on an article by Robert D. Wojahn, MD, et al.: "Long-term outcomes following a single corticosteroid injection for trigger finger". Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 96: e191 (2014). PMID 25410519
Foeger, N.C., Wang, W., Mellor, R.L., and Nerbonne, J.M. Stabilization of Kv4 protein by the accessory K+ channel interacting protein 2 (KChIP2) subunit is required for the generation of native myocardial fast transient outward K+ currents. Journal of Physiology 591: 4149-4166 (2013). PMID 23713033
Foeger, N.C., Norris, A.J., Wren, L.M., and Nerbonne, J.M. Augmentation of Kv4.2-encoded currents by accessory dipetidyl peptidases 6 and 10 subunits reflects selective cell surface Kv4.2 protein stabilization. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 9640-9650 (2012). PMID 22311982
Norris, A.J., Foeger, N.C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Neuronal voltage-gated K+ channels function in macromolecular protein complexes. Neuroscience Letters 486: 73-77 (2010) PMID 20813163
Yang, K.-C., Foeger, N.C., Marrionneau, C., Jay, P.Y., McMullen, J.R., and Nerbonne, J.M. Homeostatic regulation of electrical excitability in physiological cardiac hypertrophy. Journal of Physiology 588: 5015-5032 (2010). PMID 20974681
**See Perspectives: Naud, P., Guasch, E., and Nattel, S. Physiological versus pathological cardiac electrical remodeling: potential basis and relevance to clinical management. Journal of Physiology 588: 4855-4856 (2010). PMID 21173087
Norris, A.J., Foeger, N.C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Interdependent roles for accessory KChIP2, KChIP3 and KChIP4 in the generation of Kv4-encoded IA channels in cortical pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 13644-13655 (2010). PMID 20943905
Foeger, N.C., Marionneau, C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Co-assembly of Kv4 subunits with K+ channel interacting protein 2 stabilizes protein expression and promotes surface retention of channel complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285: 33413-33422 (2010). PMID 20709747
Foeger, N., Elias, J., Bravo, C. Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Open Shoulder Surgery Detects Early Nerve Signal Changes. Poster Presentation at the Virginia Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2020)
Foeger, N., Tamate, T., Izuka, B. Pre-Operative Use of a Chlorohexidine-Impregnated Sponge Reduces Skin Soil Contamination. Podium Presentation at the Western Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2019)
Foeger, N., Izuka, B. Pre-operative use of a chlorohexidine-impregnated sponge reduces skin surface contamination. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2019)
Dupaix, J., You, J., Foeger, N., Labrash, S., Lee, L., Garber, A. Radiographic landmarks for identification of primary medial and lateral elbow structures. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2018)
Foeger, N., Atkinson, R. Juncturae Tendinum do not Impact Extensor Tendon Angle of Approach to the Metacarpophalangeal Joint. Poster Presentation at the American Orthopædic Association Annual Meeting: (2017)
Foeger, N., Chan, E., Atkinson, R. Effects of aging and diabetes mellitus on hand somatosensation: a cross-sectional cohort. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2017)
Foeger, N., Atkinson, R. The impact of juncturae tendinum on extensor tendon angle of approach to the metacarpophalangeal: an anatomic study. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2015)
Driftmier, K., Scarcella, N., Patel, M., Foeger, N., Izuka, B. Efficacy of radiation attenuation of radiopaque gloves and cream: a comparative study. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2015)
Wojahn, R.D., Foeger, N.C., Gelberman, R.H., Calfee, R.P. The long term outcome of corticosteroid injection for trigger finger. Podium Presentation at the American Academy of Othopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting: (2014)
Foeger, N.C. and Nerbonne, J.M. Dipeptidyl Peptidase 6 (DPP6) and K+ Channel Interacting Protein 2 (KChIP2) increase Kv4-encoded current densities by distinct molecular mechanisms. Poster Presentation at the Denis Escande Symposium abstract 21: (2011).
Foeger, N.C., C. Marionneau, and J.M. Nerbonne, KChIP2 stabilizes Kv4 protein expression and cell surface retention to control cardiac Ito channel densities. Biophysical Journal 98: 533a. (2010)
Norris, A.J., N.C. Foeger, and J.M. Nerbonne, K+ channel interacting proteins 2, 3 and 4 are critical components of Kv4 channel complexes in cortical pyramidal neurons. Biophysical Journal 98: 137a. (2010)
Foeger, N.C. and J.M. Nerbonne, KChIP2 functions as a chaperone, not as an accessory subunit, to regulate functional cell surface expression of Kv4-encoded myocardial Ito channels. Circulation 120: S626-b- (2009)
Yang, K.-C., Foeger, N.C., Marionneau, C., Jay, P.Y., McMullen, J.R., Nerbonne, J.M., Remodeling of repolarizing K+ currents with physiological hypertrophy maintains cardiac function. Circulation 120: S759- (2009)
Foeger, N.C., Xu, H., Ye, B., Nerbonne, J.M., N-terminal ER retention motif regulates trafficking of Kv4-encoded ventricular Ito, f channels. Biophysical Journal 94: 423-425 (2008)