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Nicholas Foeger, MD, PhD

Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Hand Specialist

Dr. Foeger specializes in treating disorders of the hand, including carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger fingers, Dupuytren’s disease, arthritis, tendon and nerve injury and fractures of the hand and wrist. He has an interest in the restoration of hand function and has extensive training in the microsurgical techniques required for complex reconstruction following trauma. Dr. Foeger has published multiple articles and given numerous presentations at regional and national meetings.

Dr. Foeger graduated from Brown University in 2003 with a degree in Business Economics. While attending Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, he was admitted to the prestigious Medical Scientist Training Program, where he studied the molecular mechanisms underlying the rhythm of the heart in health and failure. He graduated with a dual MD, PhD degree in 2013. In 2019, he completed his orthopædic surgery residency at the University of Hawaii following extensive training in general fracture management. While at the University of Hawaii, he completed an Orthopædic Research Fellowship, investigating the anatomic interconnection of tendons of the hand.

Dr. Foeger continued his training as a hand surgery fellow under the direction of Dr. Cesar Bravo at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia. He spent one year of focused study, learning the breath of hand surgery from carpal tunnel release to the microsurgical techniques required for reattaching a severed hand.

Dr. Foeger is Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) as well as, a candidate member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the American Academy of Orthopædic Surgery. He remains engaged in research and serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and Clinical Orthopædics and Related Research. By keeping a finger on the pulse of the latest innovations, Dr. Foeger is able to provide his patients with the most advanced care available in hand surgery.

“A well-functioning hand is our key to interacting with the world,” notes Dr. Foeger. If hand pain limits your enjoyment of hobbies, prevents you from opening jars, or wakes you from sleep, consider a visit with Dr. Foeger. Together, you will determine a treatment plan that returns you to your greatest health.

Starting August 2020.

Subspecialty: Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery is the surgical and non-surgical treatment of conditions that take place in the hand or upper extremity. This is a complex specialty that requires the understanding of the anatomy and surgical technique of bones, nerves, vasculature, tendons and ligaments. Hand surgery combines the training of both reconstructive plastic and orthopaedic surgery. Having a background in orthopaedic surgery provides an ample background in working in the musculoskeletal system.

Common Conditions Treated by Dr. Foeger

Nerve Compression including Carpal and Cubital Tunnel Syndromes; Tendonitis including Trigger Fingers, De Quervain's Tendinosis, Lateral Epicondylitis; Arthritis of the Hand, Thumb & Wrist; Dupuytren's Disease; Ganglion Cyst of the Wrist and Hand; Kienböck's Disease; Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain; Hand Infections; Trauma including Adult & Pediatric Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand & Finger Fractures, Nerve Injuries, Flexor & Extensor Tendon Injuries, Finger Tip Injuries & Amputations, Sprains & Dislocation of the Elbow, Wrist, Thumb & Fingers

Procedures Performed by Dr. Foeger

Carpal Tunnel Release, Cubital Tunnel Release, Trigger Finger Release, De Quervain’s Release, CMC Arthroplasty, Finger Joint Replacement & Fusion, Proximal Row Carpectomy, Partial & Complete Wrist Fusion, Ganglion Cyst Excision, Wrist & Hand Ligament Reconstruction, Digital Nerve Repair, Flexor & Extensor Tendon Repair & Reconstruction, Fixation of Fractures of the Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand & Fingers.

Additional Information About Nicholas C. Foeger, MD, PhD

4130 Dutchman's Lane
Louisville, KY 40207
Phone: (502) 897-1794
Fax: (502) 897-3852

1425 State St.
New Albany, IN 47150
Phone: (812) 920-0408
Brown University, Providence, RI
01/1999 - 05/2003: AB Business Economics

Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
08/2003 - 05/2013: MD, PhD

Hawaii Residency Program, Honolulu, HI.
07/2013 – 06/2019: Residency Completed in Orthopædic Surgery

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke, VA
08/2019 - 07/2020: Fellowship in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
American Academy of Orthopædic Surgery (AAOS)
American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
C. McCollister Evarts Resident Leader
AOA Annual Leadership Meeting, Boston, MA

Third Place for a Resident Presentation
Annual Symposium, Hawaii Orthopædic Association
Irving Boime Publication Award Department of Developmental Biology
American Board of Orthopædic Surgery Part 1: Taken 7/11/19, PASSED
Medical Mission with Shriners Hospital: Marshall Islands 10/2017 Similar to Dr. Sweet, I traveled to the Marshall Islands as part of a medical mission sponsored by the Shriners hospital. We spent several days on each island during which we saw a full day of clinic. The clinic consisted of patients well known to the Shriners system as well as new consults. Some patients were post op visits, others were awaiting surgery and still others were needing to be evaluated for possible surgery in the future. I ran my own clinic room, saw patients independently, came up with a plan and implemented it. As a resident, I had nearly full independence, although there was always an attending present for any difficult decisions or patients. It was a great learning experience.
Orthopædic Research Fellow, University of Hawaii
Robert E. Atkinson, MD Medical Research Student, Washington University
Ryan P. Calfee, MD PhD Candidate, Washington University
Jeanne M. Nerbonne, PhD NIH-Funded Summer Research Student, Washington University
Anthony J. Muslin, MD Cardiovascular Research Assistant, Stanford University
D. Craig Miller, MD
Bunyasaranand, J.C., Foeger, N.C., Ryan, P.M.. Reminder of important clinical lesson: Traumatic elbow arthrotomy after motorcycle accident not evident on CT. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2017). published online 27 September 2017, doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-221094 PMID 28954748
Wojahn, R.D., Foeger, N.C., Gelberman, R.H., Calfee, R.P. Long-Term outcomes following a single corticosteroid injection for trigger finger. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 96: 1849-1854 (2014). PMID 25410501
**See Commentary: Vitale, M.A., Doc, will this injection make my trigger finger go away? commentary on an article by Robert D. Wojahn, MD, et al.: "Long-term outcomes following a single corticosteroid injection for trigger finger". Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 96: e191 (2014). PMID 25410519 Foeger, N.C., Wang, W., Mellor, R.L., and Nerbonne, J.M. Stabilization of Kv4 protein by the accessory K+ channel interacting protein 2 (KChIP2) subunit is required for the generation of native myocardial fast transient outward K+ currents. Journal of Physiology 591: 4149-4166 (2013). PMID 23713033
Foeger, N.C., Norris, A.J., Wren, L.M., and Nerbonne, J.M. Augmentation of Kv4.2-encoded currents by accessory dipetidyl peptidases 6 and 10 subunits reflects selective cell surface Kv4.2 protein stabilization. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 9640-9650 (2012). PMID 22311982
Norris, A.J., Foeger, N.C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Neuronal voltage-gated K+ channels function in macromolecular protein complexes. Neuroscience Letters 486: 73-77 (2010) PMID 20813163
Yang, K.-C., Foeger, N.C., Marrionneau, C., Jay, P.Y., McMullen, J.R., and Nerbonne, J.M. Homeostatic regulation of electrical excitability in physiological cardiac hypertrophy. Journal of Physiology 588: 5015-5032 (2010). PMID 20974681
**See Perspectives: Naud, P., Guasch, E., and Nattel, S. Physiological versus pathological cardiac electrical remodeling: potential basis and relevance to clinical management. Journal of Physiology 588: 4855-4856 (2010). PMID 21173087
Norris, A.J., Foeger, N.C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Interdependent roles for accessory KChIP2, KChIP3 and KChIP4 in the generation of Kv4-encoded IA channels in cortical pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 13644-13655 (2010). PMID 20943905
Foeger, N.C., Marionneau, C., and Nerbonne, J.M. Co-assembly of Kv4 subunits with K+ channel interacting protein 2 stabilizes protein expression and promotes surface retention of channel complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285: 33413-33422 (2010). PMID 20709747
Foeger, N., Elias, J., Bravo, C. Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Open Shoulder Surgery Detects Early Nerve Signal Changes. Poster Presentation at the Virginia Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2020)
Foeger, N., Tamate, T., Izuka, B. Pre-Operative Use of a Chlorohexidine-Impregnated Sponge Reduces Skin Soil Contamination. Podium Presentation at the Western Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2019)
Foeger, N., Izuka, B. Pre-operative use of a chlorohexidine-impregnated sponge reduces skin surface contamination. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2019)
Dupaix, J., You, J., Foeger, N., Labrash, S., Lee, L., Garber, A. Radiographic landmarks for identification of primary medial and lateral elbow structures. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2018)
Foeger, N., Atkinson, R. Juncturae Tendinum do not Impact Extensor Tendon Angle of Approach to the Metacarpophalangeal Joint. Poster Presentation at the American Orthopædic Association Annual Meeting: (2017)
Foeger, N., Chan, E., Atkinson, R. Effects of aging and diabetes mellitus on hand somatosensation: a cross-sectional cohort. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2017)
Foeger, N., Atkinson, R. The impact of juncturae tendinum on extensor tendon angle of approach to the metacarpophalangeal: an anatomic study. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2015)
Driftmier, K., Scarcella, N., Patel, M., Foeger, N., Izuka, B. Efficacy of radiation attenuation of radiopaque gloves and cream: a comparative study. Podium Presentation at the Hawaii Orthopædic Association Annual Symposium: (2015)
Wojahn, R.D., Foeger, N.C., Gelberman, R.H., Calfee, R.P. The long term outcome of corticosteroid injection for trigger finger. Podium Presentation at the American Academy of Othopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting: (2014)
Foeger, N.C. and Nerbonne, J.M. Dipeptidyl Peptidase 6 (DPP6) and K+ Channel Interacting Protein 2 (KChIP2) increase Kv4-encoded current densities by distinct molecular mechanisms. Poster Presentation at the Denis Escande Symposium abstract 21: (2011).
Foeger, N.C., C. Marionneau, and J.M. Nerbonne, KChIP2 stabilizes Kv4 protein expression and cell surface retention to control cardiac Ito channel densities. Biophysical Journal 98: 533a. (2010)
Norris, A.J., N.C. Foeger, and J.M. Nerbonne, K+ channel interacting proteins 2, 3 and 4 are critical components of Kv4 channel complexes in cortical pyramidal neurons. Biophysical Journal 98: 137a. (2010)
Foeger, N.C. and J.M. Nerbonne, KChIP2 functions as a chaperone, not as an accessory subunit, to regulate functional cell surface expression of Kv4-encoded myocardial Ito channels. Circulation 120: S626-b- (2009)
Yang, K.-C., Foeger, N.C., Marionneau, C., Jay, P.Y., McMullen, J.R., Nerbonne, J.M., Remodeling of repolarizing K+ currents with physiological hypertrophy maintains cardiac function. Circulation 120: S759- (2009)
Foeger, N.C., Xu, H., Ye, B., Nerbonne, J.M., N-terminal ER retention motif regulates trafficking of Kv4-encoded ventricular Ito, f channels. Biophysical Journal 94: 423-425 (2008)
Reviewer, Clinical Orthopædics and Related Research
Reviewer, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Robert Bucholz Journal Club Grant JBJS Resident Education Fund
Visiting Professorship Grant supporting Christopher McAndrew, MD
AO North America Visiting Professors Program

Visiting Professorship Grant supporting Martin Boyer, MD, FRCS(C)
AO North America Visiting Professors Program

Cardiovascular Training Grant Recipient, NHLBI (T32-HL007275)

Professional Student, Short Term Training in Health Grant Recipient, NHLBI (T35 HL007818)

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Shaun H.
I was able to get a office visit on short notice. It seemed to be a very busy day. Rebecca took the time to listen to all of my issues and discuss a plan for additional treatment. I have always been impressed with her knowledge and bed side manner.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
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Louisville Orthopaedic Clinic
4130 Dutchman's Lane
Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40207

Louisville Orthopaedic Clinic
1425 State St.
New Albany, IN 47150

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